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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Mac Gamers....Seriously?

Caution: Rage Attack
You know what really irks me? (Yes I used the word irk)...Mac "gamers". I swear every time you turn around Apple has a new overpriced item on the line, and even before you can save up for this new shiny Apple item a new one is on the line for even more money. Now if their iPods, iPads and Macbook Pro's aren't enough for you they're starting to swarm the Steam community. The only bonus to that is that Valve's community actually get's larger and we like a successful Valve. Unfortunately Valve wants to create a "thriving Mac game community" Fine, just don't forget about the REAL gamers!
I know Microsoft isn't ideal either but when it comes to gaming PC is the only way to go. Also, PC's are always upgradeable whereas Apple...well you can a new COMPUTER model. Replacing Mac's eventually are going to lead Apple to a downfall because people are going to keep having to replace their whole computer. Also, who can actually game with only one mouse button or without the scroll wheel? Are Mac users retarded in the sense that they need a dumbified Operating System, mouse and keyboard? I'm sorry is it too confusing having TWO mouse buttons and having an oversimplified non-customizable Operating System?
In the past I haven't loved any of Microsoft Windows however, Windows 7 has really done something new and I love it!
Am I the only gamer raged about Mac's?


  1. I'm afraid I have to disagree with you on this one. I applaud gaming companies who want to make it possible for everyone to play whatever games they'd like, despite their gaming system. A lot of people buy Macs because they're necessary for one reason or another (I'm thinking graphic designers and such), but cannot afford another computer just for gaming or whatnot. So they're stuck watching all these amazing games come out for the PC and thinking "well, what the heck about me?" So good on Valve for thinking of everyone.

  2. I completely agree and Mac's are really good at Graphic designing however if you can afford $3,000 for a Mac you can also afford $400 for a PC console that runs just enough for games.
    I am glad that Valve is actually smart in including everyone and it makes them even stronger as a company. Plus if they were a REAL gamer PC is the way to go even if they were a graphic designer PC supports all Adobe Clients.

  3. Also, I do have the say that Mac's are a more reliable stable client. If you were a computer gamer then you grew up with video games on PC not Mac. It's great marketing for companies to finally think about Mac's because they're finally including everyone. It just pisses me off when Mac people think they're hardcore gamers when really they've only be introduced to gaming within the last couple of years.
